Game On

Game On: The Gamification of Advertising

Banner advertising can be so boring at times. The IAB has got us nailed down to these rectangles with names like “Leader board”, and “Skyscraper” and “Square button”. With limited real estate, and limited shapes our real estate can take, what can an advertiser do to cut through the clutter of the same old flash, bang banner ads? The answer: Gamification.

Gamification of Advertising-Online Game Advertising

What is Gamification?

Gamification can be described as giving the qualities of gaming (challenge, daydream, interest and control) to a non-gaming platform. In the marketing world, we can apply these characteristics to advertising. And more importantly, we can apply these engaging characteristics to objects that otherwise would be scenery, banner ads.

Over the years the most memorable ads online have had a game aspect to the. State Farm had a great baseball game in a large rectangle (336×280) on during the home run derby a few years back. The coding was very primitive, but the game was engaging and therefore memorable.

Gamification & Branding

Allow your target consumer to engage with your brand by playing a game and you are connecting your image to the intrinsic value of gaming (Malone). By intrinsically linking brand to your target consumer you are building the foundation for a relationship that has excellent lifetime value. That is not to say that your game (ad) doesn’t need to be played (viewed) numerous times before the player links to your site, or offer. I’m just saying that your brand can be getting a foot-hold that can be long-lasting by tying said brand to the internal value that games give to the players.

Game Advertising is a Science

There is more to Gamification that just the fulfillment that the players feel while they are playing. Another key element is the use of sound and colors to complement the message that you are trying to convey. If your brand sells cheeseburgers in Dallas and you want to compete for the cheeseburger market in hungry Dallas, you better know the yellow, orange and red make people think they’re hungry. You better know that music linked to the “Golden Era” of rock’n’roll makes the consumer feel nostalgic and nostalgic for a good old fashion cheeseburger. I know I just described McDonald’s, but if they produced a rich media ad with gaming features you bet they would incorporate those aspects into the game play. So do the research on your consumer’s motivation, attitudes and opportunities and incorporate the data into the Gamification of your advertising. And part of what makes a game memorable (and addicting) is the use of resistive lights, colors and sounds.


All-in-all, the Gamification of advertising is a win-win-win. It’s a win for the consumer who gets to interact with your brand in a way that is internally fulfilling to them. It’s a win for the advertiser who gets to be the hero to their client by allowing the client’s brand to be engaging and memorable. And Gamification is a win for all the accountants who will be counting all the money marketing has made for the brands.

Update Added by TME Administrator: Alex L

Chris BalfourSpecial thanks to the author: Chris Balfour

Chris Balfour is a dedicated sales and marketing professional with significant experience across many different industries. We have worked with Chris on several projects with great success. Chris is very knowledgeable, creative and works well with everyone within our office. It is our understanding that Chris is currently searching for his next marketing opportunity so if you are interested in speaking with him directly please reach out to him using the link provided above.

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