Tagged with: Facebook

Facebook Mail Coming Soon

Facebook Mail Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, confirmed that Facebook has indeed been working on an mail function that would be arriving shortly. The three features they are emphasizing are “seamless messaging” i.e. message through end-user device of choice (PC to phone etc), conversation history and a social in-box for message filtering. Let’s examine these points…

Facebook Advertising Costs

Facebook Advertising Strategies It is widely known that Facebook is now the most visited website on the internet. While some are hesitant to take advantage of the advertising opportunity others are capitalizing on the unique advertising platform which is Facebook. When considering any new advertising, the costs are always a primary concern. One thing that…

Top Social Networks

There are many social networking sites across the vast expanse that is the internet. We have significantly narrowed this down to the top three. As of now, these are what we believe to be the best and most-used social networks on the internet in North America, though this list is obviously subject to change as…